Casualty Care Rescue Randy
Compliant with TCCC/TECC scenarios.

Ready to treat. Ready to act.
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Full-body manikin that is uniquely designed for enhanced realistic training on the procedures that treat the 3 most preventable causes of death:
- Massive Bleeding
- Tension Pneumothorax
- Airway Obstruction
- Compliant with Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) for all service members
- Compliant with Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) for all EMS/EMT/LEO professionals
- Rugged, reliable, and Hyper-Realistic® powered by Strategic Operations
Available Blood Pumping System #BPS2-B
Allows for all four CCRR wounds to bleed simultaneously and includes additional wounds
- 1 backpack with pump and blood reservoir
- 2 wireless remote key fobs
- 2 rechargeable batteries
- 1 battery charger
- 1 upper extremity bleeding module
- 1 lower extremity bleeding module
This manikin is intended to be used as an instructional aide in the teaching and demonstrating of live rescue training.
Actual product may vary slightly from photo. Nasco Healthcare reserves the right to change product color, materials, supplies, or function as needed.
Airway Management
- Nasopharyngeal (Nose)
- Oropharyngeal (Mouth)
- Cricothyroidotomy (Throat)
Tension Pneumothorax
- Needle Decompression at the 4th/5th intercostal space in the anterior axillary line
- Needle Decompression at the 2nd/3rd Intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line
Penetrating Chest Wound
- Allows for occlusive dressing
Click for larger view.
Massive Hemorrhage
- Femoral and Brachial extremity wounds
- Inguinal and Carotid junctional wounds
- Treatment Interventions Extremity and junctional tourniquets, wound packing and pressure bandage
Learn more about Casualty Care Rescue Randy.